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Truby Proctor

O: 2525156996

As a North Carolina native, Truby is the right person to show you all this beautiful area has to offer whether you’re looking for the perfect commercial/investment property, home for your family, or vacation home. As a former commercial pilot, he traveled the world but ultimately chose Beaufort, North Carolina as the place where his family makes their home in a highly desirable town where many choose to enjoy great people, culture, and the outdoors. From Beaufort, the Crystal Coast and surrounding areas to beautiful Downeast, let's find the perfect part of eastern North Carolina for you!

Awards & Designations

Coldwell Banker International President's Circle
Coldwell Banker International Sterling Society
Lover of Eastern North Carolina

Truby Proctor
Broker, REALTOR, Advisor
Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage

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